Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!! I hope 2009 greets you all well. I can't believe it's the end of the year and we have been in Blythe for 2 months. My how time flys when you are having fun.
It seems most everyone is finally down here for the season. Some friends went home for Christmas but are now slowly returning. I'm hoping everyone received something from Santa. I must have been a good girl as I didn't see any coal in my stocking.
We have been keeping busy doing something every day. I'm not sure what but I'm busy. Being on the social committee down here is fun but lots of work. So far Allan and I have helped out at 2 breakfasts, a soup night, a wine & cheese - church choir and Santa visit,

Christmas Dinner and now tonight a New Year's Eve celebration. A friend (Lee) and I are co-leads on tonight's fun so today we will be busy putting decorations out, blowing up balloons, and organizing food. We have some great friends down here and everyone is pitching in and helping out. Who ever penned the phrase "many hands make light work" sure got that right. They all offer help and then are right there when it's time to do the work.
Allan has been working very hard trying to finish off our outside space. We have a lot of wind down here and it seems to come up around happy hour time and usually comes from the north making it very cold. Yes I know cold is relative - it may not be -36C but 16C is cold for down here when you have a cold drink in your hands. (Boo hoo!) Allan has built a door in our breezeway area to close it off and we purchased a heater from Keith and Lee (they purchased a bigger one). Now when we have pot lucks we do them at our place and it is nice a toasty warm for everyone.

We decided that we needed to try out some new recipes and our friends were happy to sample the treats. Now we know what food we will offer for our light dinner for new year's eve. Then Larry and Nema brought over their karoke machine and a few brave souls got up and sang a few songs.
They were actually pretty good/bad depending on your point of view. The bottom line was a good time was had by all and we were nice and toasty warm on our patio.
It seems most everyone is finally down here for the season. Some friends went home for Christmas but are now slowly returning. I'm hoping everyone received something from Santa. I must have been a good girl as I didn't see any coal in my stocking.
We have been keeping busy doing something every day. I'm not sure what but I'm busy. Being on the social committee down here is fun but lots of work. So far Allan and I have helped out at 2 breakfasts, a soup night, a wine & cheese - church choir and Santa visit,
Christmas Dinner and now tonight a New Year's Eve celebration. A friend (Lee) and I are co-leads on tonight's fun so today we will be busy putting decorations out, blowing up balloons, and organizing food. We have some great friends down here and everyone is pitching in and helping out. Who ever penned the phrase "many hands make light work" sure got that right. They all offer help and then are right there when it's time to do the work.
We decided that we needed to try out some new recipes and our friends were happy to sample the treats. Now we know what food we will offer for our light dinner for new year's eve. Then Larry and Nema brought over their karoke machine and a few brave souls got up and sang a few songs.
They were actually pretty good/bad depending on your point of view. The bottom line was a good time was had by all and we were nice and toasty warm on our patio.
Monday, December 29, 2008
As you can now see, it has gotten colder on our buggy trips. What happened to the shorts that we used to wear?
As time went on, we made a trip to Patton's Cabin. This is apparently a cabin out in the desert that General Patton had and ran some of his desert exercises at.
A little latter in the month, another neighbour went out and bought a dune buggy.

So, they have now become members of the "Buggy Club, Eh!"

On the first trip to the dessert, he got STUCK!

The next day, we did one of the first manditory trips to "The Desert Bar". This is a bar out in the dessert that only is open on weekends during the day. They run on solar power.
So, they have now become members of the "Buggy Club, Eh!"
On the first trip to the dessert, he got STUCK!
The next day, we did one of the first manditory trips to "The Desert Bar". This is a bar out in the dessert that only is open on weekends during the day. They run on solar power.
Well, it has been a looooong time since anything was added to our blog. So, I thought I would give it a try.
Back in November, we had the opportunity to go on a run in the dessert. One of neighbours here in the park told us about the run. Sue was/is having an issue with her sciatic nerve, so she decided not to go bouncing across the desert. Jim, one of our friends from down here came with me. So about 9:00 off we went to meet at the college. By the time that the run actually started, there were probably about 80 vehicles. Most of them were side by sides and Keith and I were the only fiberglass dune buggies. There was a Baja Bug, a few Jeeps, but mostly side by sides.

We left about 10:00 and drove, follow the leader style, for about 10 miles. Then we stopped and let the group regather. We had a couple of exotic buggies join us here.

Onward we went. We crawled along over some interesting rocks and came around a corner to find one of the group (driving an Escalade) sitting on the top of hill watching the trail. We soon discovered why. It was a sharp and deep ravine and it meant driving really slow to ensure that we did not bottom out or high center. Then, off we went again. Had another stop to let the group regather again. Then off to the middle of the dessert for lunch. The organizer of the run had camped out the previuos night and had a BBQ all set up. Hot Dogs and Smokies.

After lunch, we headed back home. When it was all said and done, we had travelled over 50 miles (80 Km)
Back in November, we had the opportunity to go on a run in the dessert. One of neighbours here in the park told us about the run. Sue was/is having an issue with her sciatic nerve, so she decided not to go bouncing across the desert. Jim, one of our friends from down here came with me. So about 9:00 off we went to meet at the college. By the time that the run actually started, there were probably about 80 vehicles. Most of them were side by sides and Keith and I were the only fiberglass dune buggies. There was a Baja Bug, a few Jeeps, but mostly side by sides.
We left about 10:00 and drove, follow the leader style, for about 10 miles. Then we stopped and let the group regather. We had a couple of exotic buggies join us here.
Onward we went. We crawled along over some interesting rocks and came around a corner to find one of the group (driving an Escalade) sitting on the top of hill watching the trail. We soon discovered why. It was a sharp and deep ravine and it meant driving really slow to ensure that we did not bottom out or high center. Then, off we went again. Had another stop to let the group regather again. Then off to the middle of the dessert for lunch. The organizer of the run had camped out the previuos night and had a BBQ all set up. Hot Dogs and Smokies.
After lunch, we headed back home. When it was all said and done, we had travelled over 50 miles (80 Km)