Thursday, October 19, 2006

We weren't sure we would get out of Lubbock today as I heard a rattle in one of the trailer tires so we were off to a tire dealer to have it checked out. Turned out to be the grease cap had come loose, so the cap was hammered back in place and the tire put back on and we were back on the road only 90 minutes later than usual.

We did make it to Kerrville Texas. What a great day! The sun was shining and it got warm - all the way to 19 C. Arrived at Buckhorn Lake Resort and let me tell you - WOW! is it nice here. Lots of rigs have already arrived for the rally. Met up with some former neighbours from Gleniffer Lake (Matt and Carol) and had happy hour over at their place. They have this absoluately stunning 40' Teton fifth wheel and a Freightliner truck to pull it with.

Oh well it starting to get late so I will say good night.

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