Monday, January 01, 2007
I hope you all had a nice Christmas. I was a good girl and did't receive any coal in my stocking. Allan and I went up to Parker, Az for Christmas dinner and spent the day with our friends and neighbours from Gleniffer Lake, Bob and Joan. There were 8 of us and we had a very good time. I have included some pictures of those of use for Christmas.
The park had a News Years Eve party last night and it was lots of fun. One of the individuals here is an Elvis impersonator so he was in the building for a while. It was fun and he is pretty good. There was lot of dancing and drinking. The park even provided a snack at 11 pm and supplied champagne, noise makers and party hats for midnight. Everyone had a really good time. We actually stayed until 12:30 then headed home. This is the first time we have actually made it to midnight in many years. I have also included some pictures from New Years.

Today being New Years Day is also Allan's birthday. Bob and Joan are heading down to visit for the day so I should go and get ready. I hope you all have a great day and a great year.
Take care.