Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Where did the summer go? It's early September, the mornings are cool now and the days aren't getting as hot anymore. It seems those are the first signs of fall.

Oh well, that's good news for me as that means I'll be leaving Calgary and work behind for a while. I finishing off at work on September 28 and heading back to the lake for a while and then heading down to Tucson Arizona for the DatastomerUsers Rally 2007.

For those of you who don't know what that is - Datastorm is the internet satellite system we use while travelling. There is a rally each year for DatstormerUsers and we enjoy going and meeting other people who live our lifestyle and enjoy the benefits of internet on the road. Last year was our first time and we had so much fun that we joined the organizing committee for the 2007 Rally.

Oh well, I suppose I should go to work.


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