Thursday, October 22, 2009

New tires for the motorhome. We went over to Les Schwab tires and parted with some money. Tom, Bruce & Michelle, friends from Portland, son in law hustled and got all six tires done in about 1 1/2 hours. When we were done, back to the RV park.

When we bought the motorhome, the dealer included a starter pack for water and sewer. Problem with this starter pack is that it has only a 10 ft sewer hose. And, as you know, the sewer connection is never within 10 ft of the sewer. So, as we drove into our stall, I stopped to empty the tanks. Then I pulled forward to park again for the night.

Bruce & Michelle came by and we they took us out to supper. Tom, the above mentioned son in law, told me that I needed to make sure that Bruce paid. We had a very enjoyable evening with Bruce and Michelle and their dog Scout. They came back to the motor home after diner. It is the same as Bruce & Michelle's previous motor home, except one year older.

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