Thursday, January 28, 2010
Well, so much for my New Year Resolution to update the Blog more often. We have been busy with the Social Committee with Breakfast and Beef on a Bun.
I took the Dune buggy down to a local tire dealer and had a tie rod replaced. Then got an alignment. We then took the buggies over to Quartzsite and went out for a run in the desert over there.
The "RV Show" has been in town (Quartzsite) and I went one day to get some much needed RV stuff. Then, Sue and I went back to the show and wandered around to see what other items we must have. We now have two new stools that fold up and can carried in the Dune Buggy. Sue found some bling - some ceramic red chilly peppers. She is planning to use some of them on her new Gourds.
That was something else that happened this month. Our friend Beth and her husband Chris came up from Yuma and Beth ran two days of Gourd classes. Sue now has three new gourds.
This is a before shot.

This is an after shot of some of the Gourds from the class.
We have made a second run in the desert by Quartzsite. This time, we had a total of nine vehicles. We had four Dune Buggies, two Razors and three Quads. in total, there were sixteen people. We had four in our buggy and it made the suspension work much better.
Yesterday, Sue and I worked with the material the we had got from "Geeks on Tour" and taught a mini version of the "Computer Boot Camp". We had six computers and seven students. There was a lot to try and learn in one day, so we are going to be doing some one on one with class members to help them. When Jim and Chris Guld do this class, it is done over two days. Obviously, they knew something we didn't. Thanks again Jim and Chris!
Here is one shot of our class.
I took the Dune buggy down to a local tire dealer and had a tie rod replaced. Then got an alignment. We then took the buggies over to Quartzsite and went out for a run in the desert over there.
The "RV Show" has been in town (Quartzsite) and I went one day to get some much needed RV stuff. Then, Sue and I went back to the show and wandered around to see what other items we must have. We now have two new stools that fold up and can carried in the Dune Buggy. Sue found some bling - some ceramic red chilly peppers. She is planning to use some of them on her new Gourds.
That was something else that happened this month. Our friend Beth and her husband Chris came up from Yuma and Beth ran two days of Gourd classes. Sue now has three new gourds.
This is a before shot.
This is an after shot of some of the Gourds from the class.
We have made a second run in the desert by Quartzsite. This time, we had a total of nine vehicles. We had four Dune Buggies, two Razors and three Quads. in total, there were sixteen people. We had four in our buggy and it made the suspension work much better.
Yesterday, Sue and I worked with the material the we had got from "Geeks on Tour" and taught a mini version of the "Computer Boot Camp". We had six computers and seven students. There was a lot to try and learn in one day, so we are going to be doing some one on one with class members to help them. When Jim and Chris Guld do this class, it is done over two days. Obviously, they knew something we didn't. Thanks again Jim and Chris!
Here is one shot of our class.