Monday, January 22, 2007

This is the second picture that I had tried to upload.
This is a picture in December with the trailer on it. We do not have the awning or screen up now because it is too cold and windy. We need the sun to stay warm.
For you keeping track, these are the second and third posts by Al

Okay, I will try again. I had tried to publish some pictures of our lot in Blythe because Sue had not. However, when I did my stuff, they looked terrible. So, I am going to publish only one picture at a time.
This picture is of our lot back in March when we saw it for the first time.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
We are back in cool California! Yahoo!
Talk about a rush trip home to Alberta and back again. As Allan wrote earlier we put his father into an assisted living home and he appears to just love it. I created a monster when he asked me to purchase some new stuff for him and like any normal woman I said "sure I'll spend your money". Well he has decided that he likes the finer things in life. We got him a new sofa, chair and TV stand for the living room, a microwave for the kitchenette and a new mattress for the bed. There were also a number of other items like a new shaver, cell phone, clothes and other sundry items. He has met some new people in the complex that he is living in and more sure of himself. I believe he has even put on a few pounds with all of the food that he is eating. Let me tell you they don't cheap out on the food either. Yesterday they served roast lamb with all of the trimings - he loved it.
Oh well - so about this weather we are having these days. While we were in Lethbridge, Allan had to purchase a new winter coat due to the cold weather. I didn't and of course got the flu. Fortunately it only last 24 hours but 2 days later Allan came down with it. We are fine now and enjoying our first morning back. Like elsewhere in this part of the world it is very cool and the forecast for the rest of the week doesn't look too warm either. Oh well. I guess I can find something to keep me occupied.
All for now.
Talk about a rush trip home to Alberta and back again. As Allan wrote earlier we put his father into an assisted living home and he appears to just love it. I created a monster when he asked me to purchase some new stuff for him and like any normal woman I said "sure I'll spend your money". Well he has decided that he likes the finer things in life. We got him a new sofa, chair and TV stand for the living room, a microwave for the kitchenette and a new mattress for the bed. There were also a number of other items like a new shaver, cell phone, clothes and other sundry items. He has met some new people in the complex that he is living in and more sure of himself. I believe he has even put on a few pounds with all of the food that he is eating. Let me tell you they don't cheap out on the food either. Yesterday they served roast lamb with all of the trimings - he loved it.
Oh well - so about this weather we are having these days. While we were in Lethbridge, Allan had to purchase a new winter coat due to the cold weather. I didn't and of course got the flu. Fortunately it only last 24 hours but 2 days later Allan came down with it. We are fine now and enjoying our first morning back. Like elsewhere in this part of the world it is very cool and the forecast for the rest of the week doesn't look too warm either. Oh well. I guess I can find something to keep me occupied.
All for now.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
HOLY SH_T (I'd like to buy a vowel please), it is cold.
We made a rush trip back to Lethbridge, AB to help Dad. He got admitted to hospital on December 28th and they would not release him until he went into some form of assisted living arrangement. We have worked for a few days and now have made arrangements to move Father into "The View at Lethbridge". He will have his own one bedroom apartment, but will have three meals a day supplied.
Two years ago, we looked at "Victoria Park" in Red Deer and Dad made reservations at "Martha's House" in Lethbridge. A month before he was to move in, he cancelled. Now, he says that he is ready, but was not then. Not bad for a man who is 2 1/2 months from his 93rd birthday. We are leaving the house as is for now and will look after that in the spring when more of the family is around. We are flying back to California on Monday and my brother Ian is flying in from the Bahamas next week to stay for a few days and see how he is keeping up.
By the way, for those keeping track of such things, this was posted by Al
We made a rush trip back to Lethbridge, AB to help Dad. He got admitted to hospital on December 28th and they would not release him until he went into some form of assisted living arrangement. We have worked for a few days and now have made arrangements to move Father into "The View at Lethbridge". He will have his own one bedroom apartment, but will have three meals a day supplied.
Two years ago, we looked at "Victoria Park" in Red Deer and Dad made reservations at "Martha's House" in Lethbridge. A month before he was to move in, he cancelled. Now, he says that he is ready, but was not then. Not bad for a man who is 2 1/2 months from his 93rd birthday. We are leaving the house as is for now and will look after that in the spring when more of the family is around. We are flying back to California on Monday and my brother Ian is flying in from the Bahamas next week to stay for a few days and see how he is keeping up.
By the way, for those keeping track of such things, this was posted by Al
Monday, January 01, 2007
I hope you all had a nice Christmas. I was a good girl and did't receive any coal in my stocking. Allan and I went up to Parker, Az for Christmas dinner and spent the day with our friends and neighbours from Gleniffer Lake, Bob and Joan. There were 8 of us and we had a very good time. I have included some pictures of those of use for Christmas.
The park had a News Years Eve party last night and it was lots of fun. One of the individuals here is an Elvis impersonator so he was in the building for a while. It was fun and he is pretty good. There was lot of dancing and drinking. The park even provided a snack at 11 pm and supplied champagne, noise makers and party hats for midnight. Everyone had a really good time. We actually stayed until 12:30 then headed home. This is the first time we have actually made it to midnight in many years. I have also included some pictures from New Years.

Today being New Years Day is also Allan's birthday. Bob and Joan are heading down to visit for the day so I should go and get ready. I hope you all have a great day and a great year.
Take care.